martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Commune of Curanilahue

The city of Curanilahue ubicada35 km is. to the south of Arauco. Lima to the north with Concepción's county; to the south with The Poplars; to the east with Birth and Angol and to the west with Arauco and Lebu. It possesses an extension of 996,6 Km2 and a near population to the 32 thousand inhabitants.

This city arises as mining camp due to the existence of locations of coal and he/she consolidates by the middle of the years '20 when being established the first families of the town. It has also been rewarded by their Juvenile Orchestra, initiative that has allowed to interpret the classic music's more famous representatives' compositions, in diverse scenarios of the country.

It is characterized by an irregular relief that he/she forced to that many of the housings were built in the heights of the hills. In a same way, the square of Weapons has the particularity of possessing on 10 edges, obviating the you practice Spanish urbanísticas that assisted to the square layout, order that guaranteed an uniformity in its four faces. In the accesses to the city highlight emblematical sculptures: in the north entrance a beautiful and singular wooden sculpture exists that represents a giant hand that welcomes to those who visit the city, the one which this accompanied by 2 Chemamûll of 2 mts of high that homenajean to the town mapuche; in the south access he/she is a Catholic Sanctuary that has a cross of 10 mts of high and a kneeling woman to their feet, both also made wooden.

In the economic area it has suffered an evolution, after the peak of the coal, ending up experiencing a commercial dynamism next to a growth in the lumberman-forest item.

As arriving

Desde Concepción usted debe recorrer 95 kms. hacia el sur, cruzar el puente del río Bío Bío y tomar la Ruta 160 Lebu-Concepción deberá pasar por Coronel, Lota, Chivilingo, Laraquete hasta llegar a Carampangue desde esta localidad continua la Ruta de la Araucana por el interior hasta la Comuna de Curanilahue.

From Concepción you 95 kms should travel. Toward the south, to cross the bridge of the river Bío Bío and to take the Route 160 Lebu-Concepción will go by Colonel, Lota, Chivilingo, Laraquete until arriving to Carampangue from this continuous town the Route of the Araucanian for the interior until the Commune of Curanilahue.

From the Route 5, the alternative quicker vial is to arrive to Collipulli to take the route 182 that he/she goes to Angol. Once in Angol he/she should take the route R-86 to the town of The Sallows and then the route R-60-P that will leave it in Contulmo,recorre 53 km. toward the north until The Poplars and from this town 24 km travels. To arrive to the Commune of Curanilahue.